Announcing Archive – Spell Rouges

Hello. C J here. It’s almost New Years and I was intending this product for the first of next year but I figured I’d give it to you all a few days early. Welcome to Story Year – Ascala friends. The first product in this year is the new book Archive – Spell Rouges. This is an adult product and it’s now free on the Store page if you want a copy.

The Archive series discusses the sex lives and relationships of a group of friends, coworkers or professionals in the Astral setting. Each Archive book will focus on a different group. This way the normal people of the Astral get some detail alongside the professional adventurers and soldiers. Expect a lot of new art in each book as well. I am doing commissions next year at some point so feel free to steal ideas from the art here.

This book contains both story and mechanics. These mechanics are designed for use with the upcoming free adult RPG game Legend – Concerto. This book will adapt the core rules of Legend – Elements to tell stories of romance and detail sex as a form of combat. The game will be playable solo and without dice. It will be released when it’s done. Legend – Elements isn’t required to use it but a copy of Legend – Astral will be as it uses the same spells. The game will be free when it’s done. Otherwise enjoy the new book. More soon.

C J Mcpherson

Announcing Story Year – Ascala

Greetings Travelers. It’s time to announce the company’s next project. Now that the core games Legend – Elements and Legend – Astral are done and for sale the company is going to focus on the first major nation in our setting line, Ascala. Next year from New Year’s to Summer is going to be Story Year – Ascala. The whole six months will be used to make and publish game supplements, stories and art set in the city of Ascala.

Ascala has an economy like ours and technology like we do but make no mistake, it’s not on Earth. Earth isn’t in the setting at all in fact. All of the new Ascala content will still require a copy of Legend – Elements and Legend – Astral to play. That’s it for now. Fare thee well Traveler, and I’ll see you next year.

C J Mcpherson

The Products Page is Now Live

Hello. C J here. The website’s Products and Novels pages are now live. Please feel free to browse their contents and buy them. All books are hosted on Google Books so don’t be afraid of clicking the Buy Here links. More books will be added as they are finished being written and proofread.

C J Mcpherson

Art November 2023 Part Three

Heyo. Zed here. New art for the month. All of this art is for an upcoming adult product called Archive – Spell Rouges. This book will be free here on the website. Archive – Spell Rouges tells the stories of the professionals that Ascala hires whenever something goes wrong in their city. These people are highly trained in combat, wilderness navigation, negotiation and often magic. The book will detail their off time and the relationships they develop with others who do their dangerous but rewarding job. Thanks.


Canadian Super Pizza Recipe

Hello. C J here. It’s time for another recipe. This one’s for super pepperoni pizza. It’s called super because I used three kinds of pepperoni in it. I don’t know why I did this. It really wasn’t necessary. It tasted great though. I first made this last Canada day and I thought I’d share it here. The recipe used homemade pizza dough that I’m not giving a recipe for here. It’s identical to the homemade pizza dough found on Allrecipes through, so if you have a bread machine feel free to use that.


One Batch of Pizza Dough

One Cup of Tomato Pasta Sauce

One Block of Mozzarella Cheese

One Teaspoon of Minced Garlic

One or more Packages of Pepperoni, Salami or other Deli Meats

Salt and Pepper to Taste

For the Pizza

Flour a clean working surface, your hands and a rolling pin. Roll the pizza dough into a square about two feet by one and a half feet. You want it to fit onto a rectangular baking pan, the kind used for cookies.

Measure the cup of tomato sauce into a bowl and add in the garlic, salt and pepper. Mix.

Grate the block of mozzarella on a box grater.

Grease a square baking sheet and lay the pizza dough onto it. Fold over the edges if they are larger than the baking sheet. Spread on the cup of tomato sauce, layer the cheese on that and then place a layer of deli meat on that. Keep layering meat until you run out.

Bake at 350 for 20-30 minutes or until golden brown. Let cool 10 minutes before cutting and serving.

Fun fact, this recipe is high in sodium. This is intentional. It’s designed to be eaten during the summer or after exercise. Heat and physical activity drain the body of sodium quickly. The only way to regain that is through salty food. Sodium is actually an incredibly useful molecule in the body. The nerves that run both thinking and movement require sodium to function.

Salt isn’t a bad thing. Out body finds it tasty because it makes us healthier. In moderation, of course. Living off potato chips is not moderation. So have food that tastes good. By the way I’m a highly trained biochemist so I’m pretty well qualified to make this ststement. I could point out the exact chemical pathways in the body that use salt to keep us healthy. Maybe that one’s a conversation for another day. Thanks.

C J Mcpherson

Announcing Townwolf

Hello. We have a cool new announcement for today. I’m working on a new graphic novel project called Townwolf. The planning phases are done and I’m going to begin drawing it soon. It will be an adult graphic novel featuring anthro characters. It will be free.

The premise is as follows. Our young main character Jai Soundwolf is three days over the legal age of consent. He lives in Ascala in South District in Wolf Town, the city’s clothing optional region. His sex drive has kicked in and all he can think about is sex. He wants to find some friends and start a healthy sex life. The trouble is, he doesn’t know what he likes.

The story is going to be long. I’m hoping I can get is over 100 pages of art. We follow Jai Soundwolf as he meets friends, buys sex toys for the first time, tries out magic, has magic tried out on him and eventually forms a number of healthy open relationships. A lot of the plot has to do with magic he uses or has used on him, including hypnosis, summoning magic, stamina enhancing magic, personality change magic and mind control magic. All of these spells already exist within the setting and game line. Thanks.


Art November 2023 Part Two

Heyo. More art for the month. This was all art I did for a product called Romance Faction – Laytech. It was going to be part of a line of books detailing the lives and relationships of normal people across the Astral setting. The first group of people planned was a company in the modern day themed nation of Ascala called Laytech. They produce sex toys. The product line worked fine but not that specific book. Ascala still has a company called Laytech that makes sex toys, but Romance Faction – Laytech didn’t work.

I’ll continue the series with other groups of people later. I’m still working on a final name for it. All of this art was hand drawn on a smartphone screen in Sketchbook with a drawing stylus. Final editing was done in desktop Windows graphic design software. All of the art is adult.


Art November 2023

Heyo. Here’s some art I’ve done over the last few months. This art was originally scheduled for a project called Planetfall. The project never happened but I got a lot of art out of it. This is my current art style. Everything in it is hand drawn in Sketchbook on a phone screen with a stylus including the backgrounds. Final editing work is done in graphic design software on a Windows PC. All of this art contains adult content.


Homemade Ice Cream

Hello. C J here. This is my homemade ice cream recipe. I originally got the recipe off YouTube and changed it very little. It doesn’t require an ice cream tub. In fact, it needs no specialized ice cream equipment at all. Feel free to make your own variations. I’ve tried vanilla with bottled vanilla extract, chocolate with chocolate syrup, cinnamon, cookies and cream with crushed up Oreos and I might make a rainbow cookie flavour next. This one’s just vanilla.


One Half Litre Box of Whipping Cream

One Can Sweetened Condensed Milk

Vanilla to Taste

One Pinch Salt

For the Ice Cream

In a stand mixer, or in a large bowl with a handheld mixer, whip the whipping cream until it’s the texture of whipped cream.

Add in the sweetened condensed milk and mix until combined.

Add in the vanilla and salt and mix until combined.

Spoon into a freezer safe container and freeze for one to two days. Eat cold.


I used a Metro brand chocolate waffle cone in the image above. I might get myself more of those once I’m done the dozen I bought. That I’m sure won’t take very long.

Chocolate Waffle Cone: Metro.

Whipping Cream: Metro.

Bottled Vanilla Extract: Metro.

Eating Ice Cream for Dinner: Priceless.

C J Mcpherson

Restaurant Style Chicken Strips and Potato Wedge Fries

Hello. C J here with some chicken fingers. These are scratch made. So, there’s a restaurant in my hometown called the Copper Penny. If you’re ever in Kingston Ontario be sure to check it out. Whatever you do though, make sure you get their french fries. Like, really make sure. Like, it’s practically a crime if you don’t. Expect to never be welcome here ever again if you don’t. There are other things on the menu, apparently. So people say sometimes. I don’t believe them.

In my off time from writing books and drawing, I make lunch. Really nice lunch. I take my favourite restaurant foods and I replicate them, perfectly, from taste. This recipe took me most of my life to make. It’s for the Copper Penny’s fried chicken fingers and fries. Their seasoning mix on their fries is actually chicken soup mix. It’s a known fact and they make no attempt to hide it. I’ve replicated that as well. Just don’t over season your fries like I did. This recipe also works equally well with breaded shrimp with the same steps and cooking time.


One Boneless Skinless Chicken Breast

One Cup Pancake Mix

One Cup Water

One Cup Italian Breadcrumbs

Canola Oil for Frying

Two Large Russet Potatoes

One Teaspoon Salt

One Teaspoon Turmeric

One Teaspoon Parsley

For the Chicken

Slice the chicken long ways into thin slices about half a centimetre thick.

Prepare the pancake mix in a bowl with the water. Add water until its thin but not liquid. Pour the Italian breadcrumbs onto a plate.

Dredge the chicken slices in pancake mix and then in Italian breadcrumbs.

Fry in a thin layer of canola oil in a chicken fryer for five minutes per side.

For the Potatoes

Mix the three seasonings together. Set aside.

Slice the potatoes into slices about a centimetre thick. Then slice those into long, thin rectangles.

Fry in the same oil for five minutes a side.

Sprinkle with the seasoning mix when done but still hot.

Serve with plum sauce for dipping.

Thanks. I personally dip the fries in plum sauce as well. I add a bit of extra salt to the sauce just to replicate the restaurant feel.

C J Mcpherson