Announcing Archive – Spell Rouges

Hello. C J here. It’s almost New Years and I was intending this product for the first of next year but I figured I’d give it to you all a few days early. Welcome to Story Year – Ascala friends. The first product in this year is the new book Archive – Spell Rouges. This is an adult product and it’s now free on the Store page if you want a copy.

The Archive series discusses the sex lives and relationships of a group of friends, coworkers or professionals in the Astral setting. Each Archive book will focus on a different group. This way the normal people of the Astral get some detail alongside the professional adventurers and soldiers. Expect a lot of new art in each book as well. I am doing commissions next year at some point so feel free to steal ideas from the art here.

This book contains both story and mechanics. These mechanics are designed for use with the upcoming free adult RPG game Legend – Concerto. This book will adapt the core rules of Legend – Elements to tell stories of romance and detail sex as a form of combat. The game will be playable solo and without dice. It will be released when it’s done. Legend – Elements isn’t required to use it but a copy of Legend – Astral will be as it uses the same spells. The game will be free when it’s done. Otherwise enjoy the new book. More soon.

C J Mcpherson

Announcing Story Year – Ascala

Greetings Travelers. It’s time to announce the company’s next project. Now that the core games Legend – Elements and Legend – Astral are done and for sale the company is going to focus on the first major nation in our setting line, Ascala. Next year from New Year’s to Summer is going to be Story Year – Ascala. The whole six months will be used to make and publish game supplements, stories and art set in the city of Ascala.

Ascala has an economy like ours and technology like we do but make no mistake, it’s not on Earth. Earth isn’t in the setting at all in fact. All of the new Ascala content will still require a copy of Legend – Elements and Legend – Astral to play. That’s it for now. Fare thee well Traveler, and I’ll see you next year.

C J Mcpherson

The Products Page is Now Live

Hello. C J here. The website’s Products and Novels pages are now live. Please feel free to browse their contents and buy them. All books are hosted on Google Books so don’t be afraid of clicking the Buy Here links. More books will be added as they are finished being written and proofread.

C J Mcpherson

Announcing Townwolf

Hello. We have a cool new announcement for today. I’m working on a new graphic novel project called Townwolf. The planning phases are done and I’m going to begin drawing it soon. It will be an adult graphic novel featuring anthro characters. It will be free.

The premise is as follows. Our young main character Jai Soundwolf is three days over the legal age of consent. He lives in Ascala in South District in Wolf Town, the city’s clothing optional region. His sex drive has kicked in and all he can think about is sex. He wants to find some friends and start a healthy sex life. The trouble is, he doesn’t know what he likes.

The story is going to be long. I’m hoping I can get is over 100 pages of art. We follow Jai Soundwolf as he meets friends, buys sex toys for the first time, tries out magic, has magic tried out on him and eventually forms a number of healthy open relationships. A lot of the plot has to do with magic he uses or has used on him, including hypnosis, summoning magic, stamina enhancing magic, personality change magic and mind control magic. All of these spells already exist within the setting and game line. Thanks.
